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Winter Solstice

Slow down, go within, reflect & releasing.

In the cycle of the year, We experience the Winter Solstice & Summer Solstices. They are both significant & bring different energies and focuses for you. The Winter Solstice is the shortest day & longest night of the year. ❄️ This is a time for you to slow down, go within & reflect on the last six months. It's a perfect time for healing & releasing and a chance for you to bring your visions and guidance into the world. This will allow you to consciously manifest the dreams you've been incubating.

Focusing your intentions on the divine masculine energy enables you to use logical thinking, assertiveness, action taking & bringing passion to your purpose in this life cycle. As the days become longer and brighter, this is the energy we are using to put forth.

For today let yourself rest in the peace of darkness, knowing the changing of the season, and the return of brighter days is ahead, be reminded you are always connected to Source, and your inner light never dims.

Don’t pressure yourself to make changes right now or be in action in world … let the energies of new life and inspiration build slowly within you and by spring you’ll be bursting with new energy and ideas. This is the nature of things… the cycles and rhythms of personal growth and change, as you consistently nurture yourself with compassion, allowing for rest and reflection, great joy will be your harvest in 2023.

How I will spend my Winter Solstice...

Personal Ritual:

Sit someplace quiet, set the mood with music, candles and any items that will help you relax. Spend a few moments taking deep breaths, allowing your mind to clear and feeling yourself present with your body. Using this energy, reflect on this past year cycle and what you would like to release. Write it down. Allow all your fears, insecurities, lack mindset, not feeling worthy to come out onto the page.

Once you have written all that you wish to release, repeat it out loud, "I let go of.... (insert what you wrote down). I let go of.... (insert what you wrote down). I let go of.... (insert what you wrote down)." Repeat this 3x truly feeling the words as you recite them.

Now fold the paper away from you. Getting a fire safe bowl, Light the paper, closing your eyes and putting forth all your energies to release all that you wrote. Spend the next 5-10 minutes meditating quietly. 🔥

After “letting go,” set intentions for the new season ahead—speak aloud a thing, idea, habit, or practice that you would like to bring into your life. Let your imagination run wild as we'll explore this more later this week!

Happy Winter Solstice!

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